Games International #21

 The latest issue of Games International has turned up at last. Despite the lateness, it is full of interesting stuff. Martin Wallace provides a teaser on his latest game, Tempus, which is due out this month apparently. This one looks very tempting and, if the production is as lavish as he suggests, this will be a certain purchase. Plunder also looks interesting but I’m not sure if I’ve not got enough pirate games for the time-being. Himalaya gets a thumbs up and I’m keen to have another look at this. I would have bought it at Essen last year had Tilsit not already sold out of their stock by the Saturday morning. The other article that struck me was Greg Schloesser’s review of Die Weinhandler. Now this I did get at Essen but I’ve still not managed to play it. It has been on the menu for an end of evening filler for several weeks but somehow we’ve managed to pick something else every time. After reading Greg’s review, we must try it soon. Likewise Saboteur, although I have played with the family and enjoyed it. I posted an initial impression on BGG here but I’m amazed this was as long ago as 18 months. How time flies. Anyway, a pretty good issue. You can subscribe via BGG if you’re interested.